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The Book and the Sword

The Bible in the Experience and Legacy of the Great War

Studying at Cambridge


Professor Jay Winter

Professor Jay  Winter

Charles J. Stille Professor of History

Yale University


Jay Winter received his PhD and DLitt degrees from the University of Cambridge, where he was a Fellow of Pembroke College from 1979 to 2001.  He won an Emmy award as co-producer of the BBC/PBS eight-hour television series ‘The Great War and the shaping of the twentieth century’ (1996), and is a founder of the Historial de la grande guerre, an international museum of the Great War inaugurated in 1992. He is Distinguished Visiting Professor at Monash University, and has been awarded honorary degrees by the University of Graz, the University of Leuven, and the University of Paris-VIII.

Key Publications

Jay Winter is the author of Sites of memory, sites of mourning: The Great War in European cultural history, published in 1995, editor of America and the Armenian Genocide (2008), and editor-in-chief of the three-volume Cambridge history of the First World War, published in 2014 in English and French.

RSS Feed Latest news

The Bible, the Great War, and Remembrance Study Day

Sep 01, 2016

This event will take place on 11 October 2016 at St George's, Stockport

The Bible, the Great War, and Remembrance Study Day

Jun 24, 2016

Taking place on 5th October, this study day for clergy will address key questions on the subject of remembrance.

Book and the Sword Film

Jun 15, 2016

Dr Nathan MacDonald and Dr Andrew Mein have released a film explaining the impetus for the project and the role of the Bible in World War I.

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